With over 240 stores nationwide, Dulux Decorator Centres are the beating heart of the nation’s trade decorators. We’ve been working with DDC for a number of years on a wide array of projects from full store original design and manufacture, to point of purchase display roll-outs, and more recently a wide installation of protective screens and collection lockers to support the business during the pandemic. The bespoke collection lockers for Dulux Decorator Centres have been designed to hold trade paints in a variety of sizes and each of the lockers also features a built-in cleanup pack and specially designed shelves with stacking plates to avoid any damage to the products. We’ve now successfully rolled out over 150 bespoke, branded collection lockers to DDC’s across the UK and the feedback has been excellent from staff and customers. We’re also delighted to have been approached by other brands on the collection lockers too and have recently started work on new shapes and sizes to suit the individual needs of other trade centres. The collection lockers have been designed and manufactured in house here at RED, and they’re really allowing retailers to add a new level of flexibility to the way that their customers collect their orders, at a time to suit them.
Dulux Decorator Centre Collection Lockers